view preliminary programme
Friday, 27th June 2025
14:00 - 18:00
Opening Lecture : Gene therapies: Lifetime cure for CVD?
Welcome Reception
Saturday, 28th June 2025
09:00 - 10:30
Plenary Session 1: LDL
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break, Exhibition and E-poster Viewing
11:00 - 12:30
Parallel Sessions: Workshop 1 Parallel Sessions: Workshop 2
Workshop 1: Diets and nutraceuticals
Workshop 2: Lipid measurements and risk
12:30 - 13:30
Plenary Session 2: Lp(a)
13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break / Exhibition and E-Poster Viewing
13:30 - 14:15
Lunch Satellite Symposium
14:30 - 16:00
Parallel Sessions Parallel Sessions: Workshop 3 Parallel Sessions: Workshop 4
Workshop 3: Familial Hypercholesterolemia
Workshop 4: Imaging Atherosclerosis
16:00 - 16:30
Coffee Break, Exhibition and E-poster Viewing
16:30 - 18:00
Plenary Session 3: TG
Gala Dinner
Sunday, 29th June 2025
09:00 - 10:30
Plenary Session 4: Implementation
10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break, Exhibition and E-poster Viewing
11:00 - 12:30
Parallel Sessions: Workshop 5 Parallel Sessions: Workshop 6
Workshop 5: Diabetic Dyslipidemia
Workshop 6: VariousTopics: Apheresis,
inflammation, Paediatric dyslipidemia etc
12:30 - 13:30
Plenary Session 5: Novel Therapies
13:30 - 14:30
Lunch Break / Exhibition and E-Poster Viewing
13:30 - 14:15
Lunch Satellite Symposium
14:30 - 16:00
Parallel Sessions Workshop 7 Parallel Sessions: Workshop 8
Workshop 7: Education and Advocacy: How to
train more Lipidologists, How do we educate
our patients?
Workshop 8: Case based discussions
16:00 - 16:30
Closing remarks
key topics
Classification and Detection of Dyslipidemias
Lipid Guidelines
Atherosclerosis Imaging
Familial Dyslipidemias
Difficult to treat Hyperlipidemia
Statin Resistance/Intolerance
Lipid Control in Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Diet and Neutraceuticals
Novel Drugs
HDL, TG, Lp(a)
scientific committee

Martin Clodi
University Professor
Specialist in Internal Medicine
Head of the Internal Medicine Department, BHB Linz

Florian Kronenberg
Head of Institute of Genetic Epidemiology
Florian Kronenberg
Florian Kronenberg received his MD from the University of Innsbruck, Austria. After his training in Medical Genetics in Gerd Utermann's lab, he worked with Roger R. Williams and Steve Hunt at the University of Utah, USA. Later, he headed the Research Unit "Genetic Epidemiology" at the Helmholtz-Center Munich. In 2004, he became full professor and head of the Institute of Genetic Epidemiology at the Medical University of Innsbruck. He is a Member of the Academia Europaea.
His main research interests are genetic and clinical epidemiological studies on lipoprotein(a) as one of the most important genetic risk factors for cardiovascular disease. His team has probably the largest collection of samples with more than 40.000 individuals with in depth characterization of the LPA gene including data from Western blot analyses.
He is Co-Editor of "Atherosclerosis" and served as workgroup member on several guideline and consensus initiatives (K/DOQI, KDIGO and EAS). He chaired the most recent EAS Consensus Statement on Lp(a) (together with Samia Mora and Erik Stroes).
Florian Kronenberg has published roughly 500 papers including 400 original papers and about 90 review articles, editorials and book chapters. He has an H-index of 96 (Scopus) and 112 (Google Scholars) with roughly 51,000 citations.

Walter Spedil
Clinical cardiologist and intensivist at the Medical University of Vienna in Austria
Walter Spedil
Associate Professor Dr. Walter Speidl is clinical cardiologist and intensivist at the Medical University of Vienna in Austria. He started his residency at the Medical University of Vienna in 2003 and was research fellow at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York from 2006 to 2008. In 2014 he finished his clinical fellowships for cardiology and for intensive care medicine. He is working as deputy chair of the medical intensive care unit and as interventionist. In 2018 he founded a dedicated cardiac lipid clinic to improve secondary prevention of high-risk patients and is its head since then. His clinical research focuses on lipids and biomarkers of inflammation and thrombosis in stable coronary artery disease and acute coronary syndromes. In addition, he devotes his time on basic research regarding the interplay of innate immunity and thrombosis in critical ill patients and in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and acute coronary events.

Christoph Binder
Professor at Medical University of Vienna

Gert Kostner
University Professor at Medical University of Graz

Kurt Derfler

Maciej Banach
Head of Cardiovascular Research Centre at University of Zielona Gora
Maciej Banach
Prof. Maciej Banach was an Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (2010-2012). He was a President of Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital - Research Institute (PMMHRI) (February 2014-March 2021), He is Head of Cardiovascular Research Centre at University of Zielona Gora, full Professor of Cardiology at the Medical University of Lodz (MUL) and PMMHRI, Head of Foreign Affairs Office (2012-2014), Head of Department of Hypertension (2008-) at the Medical University of Lodz and Professor in the Department of Nephrology, Hypertension and Family Medicine, Chair of Nephrology and Hypertension, at the WAM University Hospital in Lodz, Poland (2009-).
He is a Secretary of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS) (2021-2024) and member of the Scientific and Health Policy Advisory Group of the FH Europe. He is a Founder and Head of the Polish Lipid Association (PoLA) (2011-) and Lodz Chapter of Polish Society of Hypertension (2009-). He is the founder of the Lipid and Blood Pressure Meta-analysis Collaboration (LBPMC; Group (2012-) – a group of over 150 worldwide experts aimed to investigate the most important issues in the field of lipid disorders, hypertension, nutrition and cardiovascular risk, as well as the International Lipid Expert Panel (ILEP; (2015-), currently with >50 national society members, which has been founded to prepare recommendations in the area of preventive cardiology in the most debatable issues that have not been covered in the existing guidelines. He is also a member of the REPROGRAM Consortium – a group of experts challenging with Covid-19 pandemic, member of 2 largest worldwide databases – the Global Burden of Disease (GDB) (University of Washington, Seattle, US) and Non-Communicable Diseases Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC, Imperial College of London, UK). He is also Founder and President of the foundation – Think-Tank “Innovation for Health”, which gathers six main health research institutes and over 40 medical business representatives in Poland with main aim to make innovations in the medical area in Poland.
Prof. Banach has published >1000 papers with combined IF >10,000 pts, number of citations: 26865 (acc. WoS-CC), 27,832 (SCOPUS), 32,121 (ResearchGate), and 41,563 (Google Scholar), Hirsch’s Index = 65 (WoS/Publons), 68 (SCOPUS), 75 (ResearchGate) and 83 (i10-index: 514) (Google Scholar) – being within 1% the highest cited scientists in the world according to ESI by Clarivate (with 40 TOP Papers).

Stephen Nicholls
Cardiologist and Researcher focused on developing new strategies to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease
Stephen Nicholls
Professor Stephen (Steve) Nicholls is a cardiologist and researcher focused on developing new strategies to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease. His major research interests include studying the impact of metabolic factors influencing heart disease, development of novel plaque imaging modalities in clinical practice and performing large scale clinical trials of novel cardioprotective therapies.
Currently based in Melbourne, Steve is leading the Victorian Heart Hospital project, an Australian first state-of-the-art specialist cardiac hospital. Located on the Monash University Clayton campus, the hospital will integrate clinical cardiology services, research (housing the Victorian Heart Institute) and education to create a centre of excellence, raising the profile of cardiovascular research, treatment and training.

Warrick Bishop
Practicing cardiologist, best selling author, and keynote speaker and who has a passion to help prevent heart disease on a global scale.
Warrick Bishop
Doctor Warrick Bishop is a practicing cardiologist, best selling author, and keynote speaker and who has a passion to help prevent heart disease on a global scale.
What if you could plan NOT to have a heart attack?
Dr Warrick Bishop, a widely renowned practicing cardiologist, is on a mission to help patients do just that. He’s spoken on TEDx stages and sat on countless interviews, including 60 Minutes and ABC Radio, delivering eye-opening insights that have enabled patients to have meaningful conversations about their heart health with their doctors and valuable information on life-changing technological advancements that could impact patients’ health.
By using both advocacy and the latest in emerging technologies for earlier detection and assessment of those at risk for heart attack. If you or someone you know is near the age of 40, have a family history of heart attacks, or are worried about a heart attack then you should read this book... It just may save your life or the life of somebody you love.
Author Doctor Warrick Bishop is a 3-Time #1 International Best Selling Author and Cardiologist with a special interest in cardiovascular disease prevention incorporating imaging, lipids, and lifestyle.
Graduating from the University of Tasmania, School of Medicine, in 1988. He worked in the Northern Territory and South Australia before completing his advanced training in cardiology in Hobart, Tasmania, becoming a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of Physicians and Member of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand in 1997. Working predominately in private practice. In 2009 Warrick undertook training in CT Cardiac Coronary Angiography, being the first cardiologist in Tasmania with this specialist recognition.
Doctor Warrick Bishop shares his unique perspective on using non-invasive imaging technology and provides a concise plan in preventing a heart attack.

Natalie Koh
Consultant Cardiologist (NHCS) | Medical Advisor (WhiteCoat Global)

Derek Connolly
Prof BSc [1st Cl. Hons] MB ChB [Edin] PhD [Cantab] DSc[Hon] FRCP FESC is a Consultant Cardiologist at Birmingham City Hospital
Derek Connolly
Prof Derek Connolly BSc [1st Cl. Hons] MB ChB [Edin] PhD [Cantab] DSc[Hon] FRCP FESC is a Consultant Cardiologist at Birmingham City Hospital, Birmingham UK. He trained in Cambridge, London, Edinburgh and San Diego where he was a Carnegie Scholar. He has a first class degree in Pharmacology from the University of Edinburgh where he was the Brunton medallist and Keasbey Bursary holder. His PhD in molecular cardiology is from the University of Cambridge. He is the Chief or Primary Investigator of multiple large trials in Cardiovascular medicine. He developed one of the UKs first primary angioplasty programmes, and one of the UKs largest cardiac CT programmes. He is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology.
Prof Connolly's private practice is based at the Priory Hospital, Edgbaston, Birmingham

Caroline Bachmeier

Gerard Watts

Peter Toth